Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Turn, Turn, Turn" - The Byrd's Performance of Ecclesiastes' Prayerful Text

Thanks to Dr. Brendan Teehan for inspiring me to look up this song written by Pete Seeger, (given his response to yesterday's post.) It's quite lovely to listen to this, and watch -- mindful of all that our hearts hold at this time. Political, economic, environmental, social, global issues: this song is a lovely prayer for all of us!


To watch a Video of Pete Seeger talking about how he came to write this peaceful anthem, click here.

To read more of Seeger and the origins of this song, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sometimes am shocked at how long I have lived and that I assume that we have all been riding along on the same time line. It has and continues to sing to my heart. Thanks for the reminder of the what and the time myself was formed in.
