Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Gift of SARAH PALIN: Critical Inquiry!

The following is excerpted from the Borgmann Family emails. My sister-law-Emily, a feminist and Hillary supporter, (now Obama backer), is writing in response to more news of Sarah Palin and her dismay. Emily is also a huge animal-rights activist. This is our exchange, and my search for the gift in this time.
I absolutely DESPISE this woman. Not because she's a woman or mom or whatever, but because every single one of her freakish beliefs is SOOOOO opposite my own I can't even FATHOM trying to connect with her. - Em

Em, Family, this is such a GIGANTIC point, and SUBTLE POINT...

What is our capacity to separate gender (or race) from identity?
How is this election a gift to the critical consciousness of ALL AMERICANS?
We are, for the first time, being presented with images of human leaders that challenge our preconceived notions (stereotypes)?


I don't love anyone despising anyone.
I love that we are having to, as a nation, really, really weigh the discord in our hearts and minds when it comes to these leaders and the state of our nation. We are all ultimately just getting clearer about own capacity to hold tension, to live in contradictions, and continually see our way through...The election, for me, is one invitation to ALL people to grow in their WISDOM, in their capacity to gather info and vote.
Always, though, underscoring, that any of this activity is pretty PRIVILEGED, as none of us are living in dire poverty, locked up, or is COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS like some of the removed wealthy folks. (NO JUDGEMENT: JUST FACT!)



On Sep 10, 2008, Emily.Borgmann wrote:
I got this emailed to me from aunt Jo in Albuquerque. I, for one, am not in the mood to start regressing as women.

I watched Anderson Cooper 360 last night and they were talking about Palin. They showed lots of pictures of her with dead and bloodied moose and elk, and then some really fun family stuff of people shooting innocent and terrified moose, wolves and bears from planes as they were run to exhaustion then shot multiple times. That's a fair playing field if you ask me!

Marian, I'm sorry if I offend you when I say this, but I absolutely DESPISE this woman. Not because she's a woman or mom or whatever, but because every single one of her freakish beliefs is SOOOOO opposite my own I can't even FATHOM trying to connect with her.

SHE MAKES ME SO FREAKIN' SICK AND ANGRY!!!!! I've already posted my blurb. I wish I could find the picture of the moose with it's throat blown out and it's bloody face to attach. I'm sure all you ladies can relate.

**note, I'm not opposed to hunting or trying to stop it….I have too many fights on my plate as it is. I just don't get it**

Emily Borgmann| Production Coordinator
Omaha, NE 68154 |

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