Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kissing Juno Goodbye! (The Final Photos)

It all culminates in a sweet kind of solvency, closure, and then ultimate continuance...
Towards more love, more creation, more questions and relationship-building...

What follows are the final images from 1188 Juno days: the final party and fire, the move, and signing the papers to hand over the keys! Yes! Onward! Mad love! Woohoo!

Saturday's Final Soire: the Early Crew

Pops holds down the "alter" or "shrine space" as it gets built...

I love circles of friends...

Matt thinks he will convert my father back to the Democratic party...ha-larious!

The final shrine for Juno: including Kenyan Wedding candles; South African Art; The Buddha/ Mary/ Jesus/ Faith markers; Spiral embryo mug and champagne cork; Medicine Wheel stone, and fire kindling from snow-day transformations...

North High Colleague, Dear Friend, and Mom-to-be: Julie!

My love and appreciation for ritual possibly was born here: With April, Colleen, and Matt

Former student, dear friend, daughter-woman: Joy Chaney and my own mom, Beth.

Fire on fire

Zac, Jody and Michael stand back...



Memories, tales, more talking

I love this things blur but are still illuminated...(not unlike my whole life)


I am so happy!

Former house-mate, key friend in faith and this journey: Zac Willette

Ms. Ann, the anointing one...

New Loves: Em and JP!

Sunday, post-mass the moving begins with my new pastor, Fr. Jules, from the Church of St. Philips, coming to collect the green leather couch!

John Michaels and Trevon Money: Goofballs!

Let the heavy lifting begin!

Wooho0! Church People permeate all parts of this journey.
Here: Melissa, Fr. Jules, Trevon, Mary Michaels

Monday and the Moving van arrives

Such a glorious motley crew!

JP arrives with the food!

Em serving things up..

We have worked for 3 hours moving by this time and are HUNGRY!

Willette and B'Mo are professional organizers!

Pretty much my entire life is in here...

Cleaning essentials: includes bottles of wine?!

God, I love these people!

To my new neighborhood!

"Be the bridge, be the water..."

With Second shift mover and my new neighbor: Kirsten Jamsen!

We are packed in, but all is good!

Again, where would I be without my CSP crew?

The blessed new owners of Juno!

I have a feeling this payoff will come in many forms...



Emily Lilja Palmer said...

What a journey - thanks for including us along the way - it's always a blast! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Cool to capture emotions and events of your transformation. Thanks for reminding me of what an honor it is to serve people in what can be a very emotional transition period. Roller coaster weeks, days, minutes play out to get to the final signature.

Blog on, my friend!
Keep me in your Loopty Loop.
We will get together for dinner and celebrate sometime this month.


Anonymous said...

Hi! Melissa,

First let me state that I hate moving. So you'll understand where this comes from. I really hate moving.

But when I looked at the photos ... geez! you guys look like you were actually having fun. I wish I could have been there. The photos make me wish that I had known 1188 Juno. And the photo of you where you say "I am so happy" ..... Ahhhhh!!!!! ..... that just sums it all up!
I am so happy for you.

Nothing but positivity will come of this move/transition ..... wait, scratch that .... it already is.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Melissa! Hope you enjoy your new place and all the joy that is sure to come your way.