November 19, 2007
Friends, Fam, Faith peeps,
I'm struggling in my response and prayer to the Catholic Church and it's Human Leaders, regarding this topic of Christ's Love and GLBT FAMILIES.
What follows is my feeble attempt at prayer and succinctness, in what feels an ocean of uncertainty, anger, hope, fear, love, mystery, and a grand call for discernment....
The following excerpt from our newly installed Archbishop, John Nienstedt, breaks my heart, as he quotes Church Teaching:
"Those who actively encourage or promote homosexual acts or such activity within a homosexual lifestyle formally cooperate in a grave evil and, if they do so knowingly and willingly, are guilty of mortal sin. They have broken communion with the church and are prohibited from receiving holy Communion until they have had a conversion of heart, expressed sorrow for their action and received sacramental absolution from a priest." - Archbishop Nienstedt of Minneapolis, St. Paul, in Catholic Spirit Article, "Four points on the church's teaching about homosexuality In God's Good Time"
As Michael, another Catholic restated and summarized:
"He's saying that parents, family members, and members of faith communities who affirm and support their LGBT children, friends, and fellow parishioners in forming loving and committed relationships, and in living healthy and authentic lives, are "cooperating in a grave evil" and are "guilty of a mortal sin." Furthermore, they've separated themselves from the church and are not to receive Communion!"
Again, who ever gets to decide who is worthy of God's love? Where did Jesus give us these rules about who can receive Him, and who doesn't get to?
What is our call or response to words that are hate-filled, yet seemingly uttered from a place of love?
Do leaders and community members see how these are hateful words?
Does the Archbishop recognize these words as participating in death, rather than generative and life-filled?
How is the denial of Christ's body ever NOT a participation in crucifixion?
How am I called to think, pray, act, as a Catholic who LOVEs her faith, and yet is heart broken by Human Leadership?
How do I love it all?
How do I hold Christ at the center of all discussion?
How do I see both crucifixion and resurrection in such testimony? Do I want to also be one to say, "NO" to God's love?
Do we recognize, as faithful beings, the nails being driven into His body when we simply stand by? Am I okay standing by and not doing anything? What does it mean to witness and be complicit in such denial of Jesus?
Do you see or recognize yourself, and your own body and spirit, your own faith, in this conversation? In these questions?
Prayerfully, Humbly, Discerning,