What follows are images from this past month of hosting the beloved Maureen "Auntie Mo" Dabula of East London, South Africa. I've written, emailed, blogged ad naseum. Let's have the photos speak for themselves, eh? (Well, with a couple captions as guiding narration...?!)
Love and blessings,
On retreat at Brian Mogren's :
Giggling with former student "Foogie" (or as Mo liked to refer to him: 'Goofy')
And yet another "retreat space": the CSJ sisters' Mary and Patrice's place in North Minneapolis
Mo checking out their gardens...
Mass early church style: in the living room / sacred space of the Visitation Monastery, Fremont Avenue. (You can see the original "Windsock Visititation" depicting Mary and Elizabeth by Brother Mickey (actually seated below the painting here, next to Sr. Katherine.)
A divine appointment: Maureen and Michelle Perkins meeting to discuss HIV/ AIDS work in Sub-Saharan Africa. (Thanks for intro Sr. Katherine!)
The beautiful and beaming spirit of Michelle....
Another meal: Linda Willette welcomes us to Lasagna at the Stone Arch Lofts in Downtown Minneapolis
On tour with Jan Willette, overlooking the Stone Arch Bridge and Lock and Dams along the Mississippi
A couple doors down, Linda accompanies Mo to the infamous Guthrie Theater..
Linda and Mo from the Guthrie Bridge
Getting into Boston!
2222 Massachusett's Avenue: Our posh quarters in Cambridge - courtesy of Zac Willette!
A warm reception in Boston by our beloved Lisa McDonagh
Gloucester Mariners: Melissa and Mo
On tour up the coast: Melissa looking out at the Atlantic
Margaret Post Party Conversation: A View from Above
Clinking in prayer and toasts
A Margaret Post Meal fit for Kings and Queens....ABUNDANCE and BEAUTY is at work here with the Holy Spirit. The table of diners includes aspiring theologians, social policy folks specializing in immigration, and blessed and spirited educators, all citizens of the larger globe.
Two beloved Connectors, hosts with Large spirits and Love:
Margaret Post and Zac Willette
Monday in Cambridge: Meeting up with the beautiful Amy Baione,
(friend and researcher at Harvard Project Zero.)
And we are treated to another meal of fine organic style in the Charles Hotel's by Ms. Amy.
Going to the University of Minnesota: Entering Nicholson Hall
The Writing Project that brought us together!
A warm reception by MWP Co-Director, Kirsten Jamsen
Sharing from her work in the Eastern Cape, Mo presents on literacy and HIV/AIDS Outreach and Activisim projects through her church.
More on Mo's work within the church - and the intersection with Writing Project philosophy.
What's a trip to Minnesota without meeting Melissa's infamous fire-fighting friend, Marianna?
(who loved to refer to Mo as "the South American Nun.")
Post-gardening, pre-mass and preaching...
Meeting St. Philip's beloved Pastoral Associate, Cindy Boggs
Saturday's entrance with Fr. Pat Griffin
From the pulpit: Aunt Mo breaks open scripture with her South African spirit and spunk!
Post - Saturday Mass: Attending "Peace Across the Northside"
Meeting up with the Beloved City Councilman, Don Samuels.
Our dear Sisters' Patrice and Mary greeting Mo in the street.
Holding hands from Broadway to Lowry: North Minneapolis standing for PEACE!
The kind of bumper stickers we see along this route.
Melissa and Jimmie at Peace Across the North side:
(photo courtesy of Michael Benham)
A second preaching opportunity:
Fr. Pat and Mo process in on Sunday at St. Philip's.
Blessing by Fr. Pat
Trevon shows Mo the drawing he sketched of her during mass. (Jimmie's brother, Trevon)
Mo having lunch and laughs with Choir Members: Betty Lou, Judy and Karen
A quick shot, post-barbecue at the Benham's
Onto Nebraska and the Cabin! Note the state's motto:
The GOOD LIFE! eh?
So perhaps "cabin" isn't quite the word for this place?
Beth's ACTUAL 60th Birthday: Mo and Melissa prepare a meal for her mother and uncle, Fr. Dave, and Dad, Steve.
Some after-meal conversation...
The sunset from the cabin deck...Overlooking Lewis and Clark Reservoir.
Visiting Melissa's childhood city: Norfolk, Nebraska
Retreating to the deck to read, before Beth's Birthday Party Shenanigans..
In the Club house:
Dad, Uncle Joe, Mom, Mo, Grandpa Liewer
El Dorado party room picture....
After party in the hot tub: Auntie Mo and Mom!
Mo says, "Goodbye!"